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Timothy Brady
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Brady, T.F. & Alvarez, G.A. (2011). Hierarchical encoding in visual working memory: Ensemble statistics bias memory for individual items. Psychological Science, 22(3) 384-392. Brady, T.F., Konkle, T. & Alvarez, G.A. (2011). A review of visual memory capacity: Beyond individual items and towards structured representations. Journal of Vision, 11(5):4, 1-34. Brady, T. F., Konkle, T., & Alvarez, G. A. (2009). Compression in visual short-term memory: using statistical regularities to form more efficient memory representations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 138(4), 487-502. Brady, T. F., Konkle, T., Oliva, A. and Alvarez, G. A. (2009). Detecting changes in real-world objects: The relationship between visual long-term memory and change blindness. Communicative & Integrative Biology, 2:1, 1-3.